Monday, September 28, 2020

Bicycle and Pedestrian Personal Injury Victims: Danger in Duval County

By John Mordecai P.A.

Florida is one of the three most dangerous states in the United States for pedestrians, bicyclists and motorcyclists; that is especially true in Duval County. Cyclists are at risk for serious injury due to negligent inattention and lack of awareness by drivers. For example, in 2018 and 2019 the total number of traffic fatalities in the entire state of Florida was similar. However, in Duval County, the number of fatal crashes has continued to rise. Eighty one of the one hundred sixty three people who died on Duval County roads were pedestrians, bicyclists or on a motorcycle - not in cars, SUVs or trucks.

Friday, September 4, 2020

Slip or Trip and Fall Injuries - Things to Do and a Few Not to Do

By John Mordecai, P.A.

Slippery surfaces, wet surfaces, foreign liquids and debris, inconspicuous bumps, humps and   If you were injured because of a fall, you may have a premises liability claim if it can be shown that the fall was caused by a hazard the property owner knew about but failed to correct. It may not be possible to accomplish all of these suggestions but accomplishing any of them will be helpful to your case: elevation changes, broken or loose tile, raised or tattered carpeting, broken or unsturdy stair banisters, poor lighting and exposed holes all cause trip or slip and fall injuries.

The Cause - Identify the substance or condition that caused the fall. Those could include liquids, foreign objects and debris; some examples are: detergent, water, cooking oil, dried beans, sand, freshly mopped floors or unshelved store merchandise on the floor.

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

“Full Coverage” Is Not Full Coverage In Florida; You Need UM Coverage Too.

By John Mordecai, P.A.

The phrase “full coverage” is a misleading insurance industry marketing term to convince drivers that they are buying all the insurance coverage protection they need - at a great price. The phrase is a marketing ploy to sell insurance. “Full coverage” actually means that you may be purchasing the bare minimum of coverage required to legally register a car in Florida.

Insurance Adjusters and Personal Injury Claims

By John Mordecai P.A. Contrary to their TV ads, insurance companies don’t really care; they are profit driven corporations. State Farm is no...