Wednesday, July 29, 2020

What is PIP or "No-Fault" Insurance and Who Does it Benefit?

By John S. Mordecai

PIP or personal injury protection insurance is essentially $10,000.00 in medical insurance for car and truck crash injuries; it also available to pay some wage loss. Hospitals and doctors should bill your PIP insurance company directly. Thus, it is necessary that you provide your automobile insurance card, and you claim number if available, to every hospital and doctor that treats you so that the cost of your visit can be billed.

PIP is referred to as “No Fault” insurance because it pays for both medical treatment and wage loss – no matter who was “at fault” for causing the crash. This means that you do not have to prove who was, or was not, at fault for the crash. So, even if you cause a crash, your PIP insurance company still has to pay your medical expenses; for example, if you are injured after intentionally leaving the roadway to avoid hitting a pedestrian. Similarly, if a negligent driver hits your car, Florida law nonetheless requires that your own PIP insurance pay for the first $10,000.00 in covered expenses – even if you did nothing wrong. Good News: The fact that your insurance company has paid your medical expenses will not result in an increase of your insurance premium – as long as you are not at fault for the crash.

Insurance Adjusters and Personal Injury Claims

By John Mordecai P.A. Contrary to their TV ads, insurance companies don’t really care; they are profit driven corporations. State Farm is no...